About Me

Anshul Hajare

Software Engineer

My name is Anshul and I am currently studying MSc Computer Science at Northwestern University. Previously, I have worked at Amazon, Peloton and various open source organisations. My primary interests are full stack engineering and building cli tools.


project 1 crawler

API Crawler

Basic Public APIs Crawler

This is an api crawler that fetches public apis data from POSTMAN. Made primarily in Python with support for rate limiting and pagination.

project 2 dr phil

Dr. Phil

Crowdsourced web application for location details.

Uses current location/selected location and provide insights into the services around the location and also rate the existing healthcare infrastructure and provide SOS features. Use exploratory data analysis to gain higher insights.

project 3 chat server

Long Polling Chat Server

Node.js chat server implementation

A simple real-time web-based chat app, implementing long-polling using a node.js server This is a small project I made to learn more about the concept of long-polling.


Contact Details

You can reach out to me via phone or email.